Monday 10 December 2012

Day of Pink Toronto 2013 - "Anti-Bullying Campaign???"

I have read somewhere before and heard numerous times during the sermons by my Pastor, Rev. Dr. Sheila Mckeithen - Minister of Universal Centre of Truth (UCT), Kingston, Jamaica that, "Anything you fight against, fights back... And usually it whips your butt!". I don't believe this statement is meant to advocate indifference or dis-concern towards negative and undesirable circumstances and conditions in our lives. However, it discourages the empowerment of them by giving our time, energy and attention to them.

The prefix 'anti' connotes opposition and suggests 'against-ness' towards something or someone. 'Anti' is usually applied to many of the social injustices and causes in our world today which usually requires a conscious investment of time, energy and attention in opposing them; rather than time, energy and attention spent effecting positive and desirable changes. And remember..., "Usually it (they) whips our butt!

Rainbow Gleeques Coalition (RGC) hosts, Day of Pink Toronto annually in the month of April. Day of Pink Toronto was first launched on Friday, April 20, 2012 after RGC was invited by Jer's Vision, founder of International Day of Pink, to participate in the event held in Ottawa. Unable to make the trip to Ottawa, RGC decided to host its own Day of Pink celebrations in Toronto. International Day of Pink is a day where communities  across the country and the world can unite in celebrating diversity and raising awareness to stop homophobic, transphobic & all forms of bullying, generally referred to as an "Anti-bullying Campaign".

Rather than hosting an "Anti-bullying Campaign", join RGC for Day of Pink Toronto, April 2013 in celebrating diversity in the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Trans-sexual, Queer, Questioning, 2-Spirited, Intersex and Allies (LGBTTQQSIA) Communities. Let us collectively and consciously invest our time, energies and attention in effecting positive and desirable changes towards homophobic, transphobic & all forms of bullying through Day of Pink Toronto 2013 celebrations.

Stay tuned for the assigned date for Day of Pink Toronto 2013 and please provide us with suggestions for our theme next year by:

Visiting our Facebook page at : Rainbow Gleeques Coalition
Following us on Twitter @Rainbowgleeques
Join our Community by becoming a member at


Mark Thomas
Chair RGC - 'Born to Amuse, to Inspire, to Delight'

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to Day of Pink 2013. So many themes come to mind I will have to take a little time to think of a proper one. But so far staying strong, Growing Confidence and believing in yourself is where my mind is going:) - Updates soon
